The Vistas at Summerlin
When you enter the village of The Vistas within the master planned community of Summerlin in Las Vegas you will find an 800+ acre European-inspired village. Each neighborhood varies with its own style of architecture and landscaping, and home views may include the Las Vegas Strip to city skyline lights to the east and mountain views of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area to the west.
Use the list below or click here to view all of The Vistas neighborhoods within Summerlin and details on amenities, homes for sale, and homes for rent within each.
The Vistas in Summerlin, Las Vegas Real Estate
- Click here to view Homes for Sale in The Vistas at Summerlin
- Click here to view Homes for Rent in The Vistas at Summerlin
The Vistas at Summerlin Neighborhoods
- Ashton Park
- Barrington
- Bella Vista
- Canterra
- Capri
- Cara Vella
- Casa Rosa
- Encanto
- Estancia
- Hillstone
- Kingwood
- Miraleste
- Miramonte
- Monterossa
- Palmilla
- Paradiso
- Portofino
- Sage Hills
- San Marcos
- Santalina
- Solano
- Somerset
- Sonesta
- Summerfield
- Talaverde
- Talega
- Vista Verde
- Click here to view Homes for Sale in Summerlin
- Click here to view Homes for Rent in Summerlin
- Click here to view the Summerlin Zip Code Map
- Click here to view the Las Vegas Zip Code Map
Below is information for additional fees that may be associated with the purchase of your Summerlin home. Click here to read more about these fees if you are not familiar with them at LIDs, SIDs & HOA Info.
- Homeowners Association(s): Summerlin West
- Fee(s): $35 – $115
- Fee Type: Monthly
- SID: Yearly fee
Below are the current public schools zoned for neighborhoods within The Vistas (please check the Clark County School District website to verify the information below).
Summerlin Public Schools (K – 12)
- Linda Givens Rankin Elementary School
- Sig Rogich Middle School
- Palo Verde High School
Summerlin Private Schools
- Bishop Gorman High School
- Faith Lutheran Academy
- Faith Lutheran Middle and High School
- Merryhill Schools
- Sholom Schechter Day School
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
- The Alexander Dawson School
- The Meadows School
- The Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Educational Campus
- The Schenker Academy
Below is the information on the parks located within The Vistas – click here to read more about other Summerlin Parks and their amenities they offer Summerlin residents.
- North Tower Park has 1 playground and mature landscaping.
- South Tower Park has 2 playgrounds for toddlers and younger elementary school age children.
- The Vistas Community Park is the largest of the 3 parks located within the village of The Vistas covering 23 acres and is located within the middle of the neighborhood. Residents enjoy a covered picnic / BBQ areas, Little League baseball fields, tennis courts, and basketball courts.
- KB Homes
- Kimball Hill Homes
- Pulte Homes
- R/S Homes
- Richmond American Homes
- Ryland Homes
- Toll Brothers
- William Lyon Homes
- Woodside Homes
Within the immediate area of The Vistas residents are minutes away from the Red Rock Canyon Recreation Center in Las Vegas where residents enjoy hiking, road cycling, family picnics, and more.
As part of the master-planned community of Summerlin, The Vistas is surrounding by over 150 miles of trails for jogging and walking.
[icon icon=”fa-cutlery” size=”35″ color=”#0072bd”] DINING & SHOPPINGToss a stone and you hit a number of top rated restaurants and shopping options located within Summerlin. Click here to read more about Summerlin amenities.
The nearby Red Rock Casino and Summerlin Downtown offer families activities such as movies, bowling, retail shopping, dining, and more.
[icon icon=”fa-road” size=”35″ color=”#0072bd”] MAJOR ROAD ACCESSThe Vistas has easy access to the I-215 via Far Hills Avenue in the Northern part of the village and via Charleston Avenue in the Southern part of the village. Alta Drive, which runs West to East, provides easy access to the more popular smaller roads such as Town Center Drive, Hualapai Way, and more.
[icon icon=”fa-plane” size=”35″ color=”#0072bd”] McCARRAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTThe Vistas village of Summerlin is approximately 20 minutes to the McCarran International Airport using the route of the South I-215.
The Vistas at Summerlin
- Summerlin official website
- Summerlin on Wikipedia